Whole Self Into Work


What You Bring

to Your Work Matters

GoDaddy’s chief product officer Steven Aldrich recently spoke about being authentic in the workplace. According to a report by Amy Cortese for Small Business Open Forum, Aldrich is constantly figuring out new ways to keep his company’s 6,000 employees, engaged and connected. Here are three of his tips for a fulfilling work life and workplace culture that we believe can help to bring out one’s “whole self.”

13% engaged at work.

Aldrich states the reason for a lack of engagement revolves around if one believes their work is meaningful or not. People tend to quit pursuing their dream job in order to take a job that can support their needs in the moment. This job may or may not excite the employee, and if it doesn’t, there is an inevitable decline in motivation. This can have far-reaching effects on the customers in addition to the company itself. Aldrich urges unmotivated employees to evolve from a lack of purpose and that finding meaning work is a major key to unlocking one’s motivation and happiness.

Steps for better engagement.

It’s important to empower employees. This can help them become better in their work. Whether this means extra funding or the hiring of more staff, it’s important to provide employees with the resources they need to strive. It’s a simple, yet powerful rule: listen and learn. Given useful feedback, it can be possible to fix the mistakes that are being made and still provide unique ideas relevant to the needs of the business.

Mental fatigue.

A helpful approach to being proactive at work is understanding that the long-term mission is a sprint, not a marathon. Set aside some alone-time to refresh. According to Aldrich, that’s like “oxygen that I build into my calendar.” A few other techniques Aldrich uses to combat mental fatigue are: walks, naps, and turning off all computer or phone notifications. This can allow for greater freedom from those continuous stresses and that often translates into a clearer flow of energy.

These tips provide a great starting point. To learn more read the complete article by clicking here.


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