Your Blog

Blog Marketing

Blogs first appeared less than 20 years ago. Back then people were only just learning about what a blog was. Today there are thousands of people who don’t know how they would live without one. Their popularity is based upon the fact that bloggers (and those who respond) can say what’s on their mind without fear of editorial control dictated by others. They also are used to connect people together who share common interests. As a valuable public relations tool, they can help you achieve your desired results – if you promote them.

Pinterest is one of the more common ways to share blog contents. It starts with the creation of a blog board. Visitors will be able to follow your blog posts. It will be important to make your blog pins are actually searchable via Google or other search engines. This option can be found in Search Privacy.

Stumbleupon is another vibrant social bookmarking site. You can promote your blog here simply by posting a new thread. Viewers can ‘vote’ to like or not like your content. The more likes, of course, the higher the visibility.
LinkedIn is also a good platform for blog promotion. You can easily share your latest blog posts on your profile page and with the groups you belong to.

Instagram is quite popular for those whose blog posts include images and captions. These can be used to point Instagrammers to your blog home.
Other sites include Reddit, Digg, Delicious, Technorati, and Triberr, Not only you can post your blog, you can also socialize with other people as well, even learning more about fields of interest.

Remember: Search Engine Optimization plays a huge role when it comes to gaining traffic. In order to take advantage of that, add relevant keywords for your business in each post. It’s also important to be familiar enough with your analytics tools to find out how people are being directed to your blog home. This can help you shape your content and adjust as needed.
Say Hello: You can also comment on other blogs to gain attention to your blog.

Blogs have become an essential tool for many campaigns. So learning how to promote yours so that it (and you) is an influencer is important. Share, share, share.

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