Tourism PR Takes Literary slant

This strategy includes books.  

We like it.

Every now and then we learn about a public relations campaign that really raises the bar. These strategies are both unexpected and interactive. What they do, they do well: they show don’t tell.

This Visit Seattle tiny library project is the perfect example.

In a drive to promote tourism, Visit Seattle has put up free mini-libraries in major cities across the country, including Boston, Austin and Chicago. The books, of course, are Seattle-themed.

According to Chrsitine Birkner of Adweek, the Pacific Northwest’s Seattle is reaching out across the country to celebrate it city's literary history. This effort is modeled upon the “Little Free Library” national "take a book, return a book" free book exchange program. These tiny libraries, some of which are not much bigger than a bird house, are placed in select locations.

The original idea behind these tiny libraries was to provide free book exchanges where people could take away or place a book on the bookshelf for others to read. Today, some 40,000 Little Free Library book exchanges strong around the world, there are estimates that more than one million books are being shared annually. And, along the way it builds community.

In public relations, we know that timing can be everything. Visit Seattle has not wasted a second getting the word out. Their promotional launch coincides with September as National Literacy Month. Many of the books focus upon travel guides and fiction books that are either set in the area and/or written by Seattle authors.

We think it’s a pretty clever, fun idea that we expect will take hold. Readers and book lovers alike are asked to post photos of themselves with the books and to use the hashtag “SeattleStory.

As an added bonus, the book shelves will be re-stocked and there will never be overdue fines!

To read the complete article, click here. 
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