Be Responsive, Not Defensive
Public relations is designed, theoretically,
to let you put your best foot forward. Its where and how you get the attention
you deserve, the attention that will drive you and your message forward. But sometimes that’s not what happens. The
design collapses and you actually feel like you are losing your footing.
Reports and reviews aren’t adding up to the message you and your public
relations team carefully and diligently worked on and then delivered.
It cannot be said enough that
intentions matter but that actual results may be more reaction than anything
else. And reactions, by their nature, are often very difficult to control. So
what do you do when reviewers suggest that your message isn’t on track? That
your product or services don’t match their promise?
We know that the first response is
to take a deep breath. Let’s face it, there are times when our best efforts do
fall flat, when it’s not what we think it should be. When the media thinks
that, too.
According to George Beall, a
Huffington Post blogger, there are some things you can do help repair the
damage that may have occurred.
“Whether it’s a rant on a popular
social media site such as Yelp or Facebook, or a scathing review from a
professional critic, in order to survive as a company, you and your team must
learn the art of response. The best way to learn? Observe others who have dealt
with the same.”
He’s so right. Learning from the
mistakes and successes of others in similar situations (and industries) may be
the best tactic yet to overcome the unwanted and, perhaps sometimes, undeserved
critical attention.
We agree with him that lashing out
and ‘hitting back’ will not help you maintain credibility with those you are
trying to reach. Is there a kernel of truth in the responses? If so, the sooner
you can own up to that, the better. From there it’s a matter of rectifying
and/or clarifying an oversight or exaggeration that may have triggered the
negative feedback.
Taking time to learn to respond with
grace under pressure is much more effective and productive than being defensive
and aggressive. In the final analysis, the way you handle a situation says more
about you than had there never been a unflattering review in the first place.
To read the full Huffington Post article, click here.
To read the full Huffington Post article, click here.
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