Other News Stories

News Worth Knowing About

Some news gets more attention than other news. Especially in today’s political climate. Politicians and policies are sucking up the air, as they should, given what news media sources are uncovering. These are important issues; especially because they are so intimately linked to what our country needs to stay afloat (healthy and alive).
But what about the other news stories?  The ones that don’t make it to ‘big time’ media?
Here are a few pieces of news that you may not have heard about:

Ocean cleanup can reduce plastics

It is estimated that more than four trillion pieces of plastic are floating or have already sunk to the bottom of the ocean. The Ocean Cleanup Project has plans to remove 40% of that plastic over the next decade by using an operating system that is powered by ocean currents. 

Decline in homeless of US Veterans

According to Good News Network, veteran homeless has been reduced by 50 percent in the last seven years. This is the result of hard work between a variety of government agencies and all suggest more programs like this will be developed.

Juno’s trek made it to Jupiter

NASA’s Juno spacecraft flew 800,000,000 miles to explore Jupiter’s radiation belts. The data collected could provide details about how the planet and the solar system it belongs to formed. Who knows what we could learn from that?

Ebola Vaccine could be perfect

Newsweek reporters write that a new Ebola vaccine shows a 100% percent protection rate. It is possible that this could help curb the number of those infected to approximately 28,000. Such trials could end what is now considered to be one of the worst epidemics in recent history.

50 Million trees in just one day

In India, per a story by National Geographic, 800,000 volunteers were able to plant 50 million trees in just one day. These 80-different species of trees are part of the country’s Paris Climate Conference effort to reforest the land. 

To read more about any of these other news stories, click here.

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