Public Relations Internships

Public Relations Internships Make A Difference

For years Karen Pierce Gonzalez Public Relations has been mentoring students at Sonoma State University. To date we have worked with about a dozen graduating seniors. We provide these communications majors with real-life, hands-on experience in a variety of public relations projects. Depending upon the seasons and the cycles of client campaigns we match up our needs with their skills. Along the way, we find opportunities to help strengthen their knowledge base and to introduce them to processes and tools that aren’t explored in the classroom.

In many cases, we maintain contact with these graduates. We provide letters of recommendations, serve as references, and when necessary, offer networking links that help them discover career paths within the vast public relations world that might best suit them. On occasion, we also get calls from them, asking what we think about a specific aspect of a public relations strategy they are considering implementing.

These internships are personally designed for all involved. And, as such, they have been very rewarding. 

We watch these up-and-coming public relations professionals grow in their understanding of what public relations is and is not. We see them take in the importance of having a message that is truly newsworthy. We listen as they discuss with us how even the concept of public relations – relating to the public - is so much more than the short-term gain of sales.

Just recently one intern let us know he was hired as a full time social media specialist for a financial institution. He takes with him an understanding of how social media platforms can work in tandem with websites and related blogs. He carries a familiarity with social media scheduling apps and will, no doubt, successfully apply his recently acquired ability to operate the dashboards of two of the more common website templates.

We have seen -  first-hand and up close -  how important internships can be. What a difference they can make to students who are preparing to launch themselves into the fast-paced and quickly changing media-related world. 

To all the interns we have worked with, we say CONGRATULATIONS. You were teachable. You came to care enough about every step of the public relations process (even if it was repetitive) to do as good a job as possible so that all phases were working together.  In our opinion, these essentials are what will hold you in good stead as you move forward. We are grateful to have been part of your training team.

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