Public Relations Trio

3 Phases of Public Relations

Public relations is so much more than smoke and mirrors. For us, it’s also more than just a way to ‘spin’ facts. Spinning is like ‘gas-lighting’ and often tries to hide the true objective of its efforts: self-service. Ultimately, most people are too smart to see right through that. 

Good public relations strategies – the ones that meet their goals and objectives – are based upon a trio of interactive approaches. The first is your foundational message that is effectively communicated in a way that introduces, invites and inspires others to care about and share your expertise, experience and services.  

When you are clear about your message and develop a public relations campaign that will help you meet your goals and objectives, you are in a good position. Unclear messages and sloppy efforts must be avoided.

We recently read an article in Small Business.Chron that explored the differences between goals and message. Meredyth Glass made some very valid points that we’d like to share here:


Public relations goals describe your global, abstract plans. Objectives help you find ways to realize those goals. 

For example, you may want to develop a relationship with the local preschools… In this case, you might create a set of objectives targeting local schools, including publicizing teacher discounts, creating a teacher shopping day or teacher wish-list program and offering a preschool fundraising program in your store.

Measure Success

Measuring goals and objectives are two different things. Goals by their nature are more conceptual and that’s difficult to measure. Glass suggests that objectives are more tangible and there more measurable. 

If your goal is to "reduce your use of fossil fuels," the supporting objective might read "replace 25 percent of delivery trucks with electric cars within one year." This is a measurable objective that helps improve your company's environmental image.

Knowing the difference can help you deliver your well-thought-out message with greater accuracy. Lofty ideas are not easy to convey but they can be translated into concrete actions that speak volumes about how what you have to offer makes life better for others.

To read Glass’ complete article, click here

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